Lake Michigan Inking

I’m feeling a lot of momentum after the release of A Horse Named Sky. On our family trip to Lake Michigan, I packed a few sketching supplies to keep the creativity flowing.

My new basket was perfect for carrying supplies to our spot on the dune. New tools are an important shake-up. On a visit to my illustrator friend’s house, Deb Pilutti showed me some inking supplies I’m getting familiar with. I’m especially fond of this senneliner brush pen. It’s Payne’s grey, I don’t believe a true payne grey but I do like the blue hue.

The pens shown below I learned about from Emmy Kastner. With heat, they erase. Emmy demonstrated with a hair dryer in her studio. I’m familiar with the fabric versions of these pens for sewing but they are also available in the office supplies section.

I thought the friXion pens would be a unquie addition to my supplies pack for the beach. I could sketch moving subjects while the initial sketch lines disappear in the heat of the sun. Kind of like drawing against the clock in figure drawing class…. Fun!

But the wind on Lake Michigan kept my paper cool and the Michigan sun was not enough to make the lines disappear. Good news for those using these for writing.

Sketching on location is never without its challenges. Subjects move. Clouds roll. Some family members are known for their joy of a splashing….

Plenty of time for some drives near the lake shore for some inspiration and a few less distractions.

If you are going to try fricXion pens in your work recommend the ball roller version rather than the gel ones I have shown. The gel damages the paper a bit more with it’s pointy tip but it’s what Amazon could bring to me before we left for the trip.

I don’t mind the colored line holding together the drawing here and there.

A simple pack of tools on location can be a good thing. It isn’t easy with extra eyeballs around you - I try to enjoy being in nature and get in the zone.

I encourage myself to do something daring when I sketch, like drawing a flying bird that was only in view for a second. Go with the flow as they say! I’m not one to mess with a precious resting pup. I take breaks when they come - we are on vacation after all!

Observing subjects closely (whether or not the drawing turns out) is a meditation. Crohn’s has been giving me a heck of a time lately but staying submerged in my sketchbook is a powerful distraction from anything happening physically. This vacation was a much-needed rest!

Hope you get a break this week and try something new.

It’s back to the studio for us!