Posts tagged create
Studio on the Move

In my last post I wrote a little bit about our dream studio, the perfect place to make. But a studio is really wherever you create. So often we put off our dream projects — searching for the right space, the right desk, the right ergonomic chair, the right lighting… when really, we can start making anywhere.

Below, I’m sketching outside, with floral inspiration right outside my door!

As some of you may know, I struggle greatly with my health. The waiting room, the hospital and the infusion clinic transform into my studio whenever I’m there.

Nothing’s going to stop me from making!

During one of my stays, my Mom brought me hollow, lightweight bamboo stick that works great for my macrame when I’m at the hospital. It tapes up to just about anything!

These green pendants I made at another hospital stay and my Mom’s bamboo find continues to work! I didn’t know what I’d use these pendants for at the time but later I ended up turning them into some bunting for the backyard. In my illustration work, it’s all about planning so it’s refreshing to create with no end product in sight. If it turns out to be something, great, if not the hours it gave me peace are well worth it.

FaceTiming with Maisey who was not happy I was in the hospital again.

Maisey would much rather keep a close eye on me when I’m not feeling well. A lot can be created on the couch, especially with the ability to draw on my iPad. I created all the sketches for Summer of the Tree Army on my iPad — on an airplane and here on the couch.

Some of my infusions I’m able to get at home. In fact, insurance finds it cheaper to do this believe it or not. The IV poles are a honker to store but I’ve found other uses - the IV pole works GREAT for big macrame projects like this one.

At times, my arthritis can limit my movement so much I need to rest my hands and body. Knitting, drawing and other fine motor crafts aren’t an option. Here in a hallway bed in the ER, I used my camera to take interesting photo compositions. I especially had fun with the ceiling mirrors. Was I creating masterpieces? No — but it was a powerful distraction and far more positive than “scrolling.”

Snuggle up wherever you are comfortable and make something! <3

The studio, really is, wherever you can imagine.